Friday, October 14, 2011

mysore ooty conoor pt 1

i happened to have a great time with my family and relatives recently,a trip  bangalore - mysore - ooty - conoor - and back,
but the hard part is, how to go on about a trip. the place to see, where to stay, how much to spend..all those questions.

but from my previous experience i  knew two things that were absolutely necessary:

1. a good vehicle, i mean a good one, in my case (we were 6 people + driver) a new and recently serviced TOYOTA INNOVA with AC, the best RS 10.5per km ever spent.
2. a very good driver, in my case happened to be the car owner himself (he runs a tours & travel, a very professional person)

so where to go:

ok, the starting point;
i stay in bangalore, my parents and my relatives, i.e. my uncle, aunt and their daughter came from Mumbai, where my home is. they came by flight in the morning (9.30 they arrived at bangalore). and we felt for mysore directly; just like that we were on the road.

how i planned i out next post.

Monday, October 10, 2011

know thyself.... maslow pyramid

awareness...self awareness..there is pyramid, a very famous pyramid called as MASLOW's pyramid.

it has various stages five in all, the tip/top is self awareness, i personally call or imagine it to be a Buddha like stage,leaving all things , searching for truth, all knowing, be a being on higher level than others, to know n more importantly understand things clearly for what it stands. but do such things happens, would i consider leaving my loved ones in search of truth or whatever it is, not really, do u really know all things, do we have time to do all this soul searching and journey for the truth.
it is very important, i believe at least, its important not only for me but also for the people around me.i would know what i want, why i want it, what would do with it, it would reduces stress, conflicts, and bring more happiness and peace of mind.for me peace of mind is essential, its maddening to be always surrounded by chaos.
do we have the time or assets to carry out a soul searching or try to reach self awareness,we should, what time does one need, you are with yourself your entire life. one doesn't leave oneself .every moment is a learning experience.learn, understand, develop. know thy strengths and weaknesses, know thy sources of happiness and sorrow, know thyself.....
it starts here......

the time to change has come. dreams and fun is good. but to dream and not turn them into reality; to pursue fun and not enjoy the journey is of no consequence.

all the dreams have to listed, they have to weighted, they have to be pursued, for they are for me.
i know, i believe it to be true, i feel this dreams calling out to me every day, all the time in think of a future, all the time i think of doing something, something different, the time to reach out has come. they have been calling for such a long time. i have been lazy, i have been afraid, i have been stupid. but i have to respond, for i believe this wont go on forever. the time has come for me to decide to take all me dreams and create reality.

it starts here .....
it starts today.....!!!